Pros and Cons of Leasing Solar Panels

Leasing solar panels has become a popular option for many households looking to take advantage of the promise of free electricity and additional income from selling any surplus power. There are several potential benefits, including reducing upfront costs, as no payment is necessary for electricity generated, and freeing up long-term financial commitments as the length of the lease is usually 25 years.

However, there are also drawbacks that must be considered. Financial security cannot be guaranteed, as any changes in tariffs or subsidies could affect income levels. Additionally, maintenance issues may arise during the period of the lease – responsibility and cost of removal of solar panels must be clearly set out within the lease agreement should roof works need doing.

Finally, it's important to remember that there could be implications for marketability when reselling a property with solar panels installed. While some buyers may see it as an energy saving option offering long-term savings on utility bills, others might not wish to take over these installations and view them negatively. As such, lenders and valuers will be waiting to observe how prospective buyers react before determining whether houses with PV panels can command higher prices than those without.

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