Wood burning stoves - how to avoid a hefty £1,000 fine

New wood burning stoves regulations came into force in 2022, affecting the type of log burner and fuel you can burn.

If found burning unauthorised fuel without an exempt appliance, a penalty of up to £1,000 could be incurred in England. 

The new laws aim to reduce the nation's particulate matter air pollution. 

Older-style stoves are now banned from production but existing ones can still be used.

Ecodesign mark guarantees stove has been tested and meets requirements on air quality and particulates. 

Bagged house coal and wet wood - under two cubic meters – are now illegal.   

Burn only certain types of dry wood (with moisture content less than 20%) from a bona fide supplier for reduced emissions by up to 50%. 

Check if you're in one of the nation's smoke control areas, using authorised fuels or smokeless alternatives unless using an exempt appliance.

For a quote on your purchase or sale call us on 01603877067 or visit www.mjpconveyancing.com 
